Current status: BOTM reduced; BOSM SUSPENDED

  • NORMAL - Individual pages are updated almost every day. On a typical day, roughly half the BOTM pages are updated. Due to inconsistencies in the availability of news stories, this results in some pages receiving an update on an almost daily basis whereas some pages receive an update less often. Management news is generally less likely to occur at weekends, but what news there is will be posted.

  • REDUCED - During July and August in particular, a reduced level of updating frequency may be offered, although stories will still be covered.

  • PAUSED - Updating is paused, typically because neither John Beech nor Simon Chadwick is available to provide a service due to circumstances beyond their control. This might happen for a few days at Easter, or at Christmas and New Year, for example. As with the 'reduced' status, full coverage of the gap period will be provided on the return to 'normal' status.

  • SUSPENDED - Updating of the BOSM Blog is suspended as explained on the homepage.